A colder-than-average November was recorded in Geelong. Compared to the latest 30-year averages, daily minimums were 0.6 C cooler, maximums were 0.8 C cooler and the mean was therefore 0.7 C cooler.
Two days exceeded 30 degrees and the highest was 36.2 C on the 21st. Lowest overnight temperature was 6.0 C on the 19th.
Over the spring period temperatures were also 0.4 C cooler than average, contrary to BoM predictions made in August.
A drier-than-normal November accompanied the cooler month’s figures. Overall the Geelong Region received only around 30% of the average rainfall and the urban area only recorded 16 mm.
Despite the low rainfall water supply catchments hovered around 85% of capacity for most of the month.
Spring rainfalls, despite the November anomaly, were well above average in their falls, with Geelong Urban Area receiving over 130% of its normal total: 205 mm compared with 154 mm.
There were three days with very strong wind gusts: 78 kph on the 21st during a thunderstorm was the highest. On that day a furious squall about 5 pm caused a little damage in Geelong. But serious consequences occurred for other parts of the state in terms of an outbreak of “thunderstorm asthma”, a medical condition caused by strong downbursts and explosive pollen which contributed to nine human deaths (to 30th Nov) due to breathing difficulties.