Weather Conditions | Temps (deg C) |
Rainfall (mm) |
Cumulative Rainfall | Comments | |
J A N |
5 days over 30 degrees. Top temperature was 36 degrees on 14th. First half of month averaged 25.4, second half averaged 21.9. | Av. max. was 24.0. January average max. is 25.7. | Mt Duneed 24.2. Urban area averaged 33.0. January normal is 34.3 mm. |
Mt Duneed 24.2 mm. Urban area 33.0 mm. Normal Geelong cumulative total is 34.3 mm. |
4 thunder days. Tornado videoed at Paraparap on 9th – no damage, although power supply disrupted. Thunderstorms on 26th produced 32 mm at Teesdale, 9mm at Shelford. |
F E B |
12 days over 30 degrees. (Average 6 days). The second hottest February on record. Top temperature was 35.5 degrees on the 10th. | Av. max. was 28.4. February average max. is 25.1. |
Mt Duneed 13.4. Urban area averaged 20.0. February normal is 37.6. | Mt Duneed 37.6 mm. Urban area 53.0 mm. Normal Geelong cumulative total is 71.9 mm. | 1 thunder day. Geelong missed thunderstorms in close surrounding areas (eg, Werribee, Avalon, Colac) on two occasions. Small whirlwind at Grovedale on 15th. |
M A R |
6 days over 30 degrees. (Average 4 days). Top temperature was 39.7 degrees on the 2nd. Rain fell on only 5 days. | Av. max. was 25.0. March average max. is 23.7. | Mt Duneed 5.6. Urban area averaged 6.0 mm. March normal is 34.6. |
Mt Duneed 43.2 mm. Urban area 59.0 mm. Normal Geelong cumulative total is 116.2 mm. |
No thunderstorms. Many cold fronts “fizzled out” with resultant low rainfall. The driest March for over 40 years. Sun dog photographed by Clyve Herbert. |
A P R |
Slightly (0.5°) warmer than normal month. Average daily max was 21.2 cf 20.3 deg. Rain above average except in Otway catchment. | Av. max. was 20.8 April average max. is 20.3. | Mt Duneed 36.8. Urban area averaged 45. April normal is 39.2. |
Mt Duneed 80.0 mm. Urban area 104 mm. Normal Geelong cumulative total is 155.4 mm. |
2 thunderstorms on 15th and 16th. Little rain, but 8.5 mm at East Geelong in 5 mins. Very strong winds on 29th. Above average monthly rainfall totals across district. |
M A Y |
Colder than normal: average daily max was 15.7 deg, cf 17.3. Very cold final week including temps of 10.1 & 11.1 and winds over 80 kph. | Av. max. was 16.5. May average max. is 17.3. | Mt Duneed 68.2. Urban area averaged 62.. May normal is 47.2. |
Mt Duneed 148.2 mm. Urban area 166 mm. Normal Geelong cumulative total is 202.6 mm. |
Thunderstorm and hail over Bellarine Pen. on 28th. Heavy rains in final week brought monthly avs above normal. West Barwon got 142 mm and runoff is occurring. |
J U N |
Fractionally warmer; average daily minimum was 6.3 deg. cf 5.9. Lowest overnight minimum was –0.4 degrees on 14th. Max 17.1 on 25th. |
Av. max. was 14.5. June average max. is 14.3. | Mt Duneed 37.3. Urban area averaged 35. June normal is 43.3. |
Mt Duneed 185.5 mm. Urban area 201 mm. Normal Geelong cumulative total is 245.9 mm. |
Below average rain over most of the region. West Barwon only 10% capacity. SOI dropping quickly (-8). Cold outbreak on 28th brought hail, thunder & lightning near Avalon. |
J U L |
Coldest day 8.7 degrees on 26th. Warmest day 16.5 degrees on 6th. Strong winds on 21st at Lovely Banks – 92 kph. | Av. max. was 13.8 July average max. is 13.1. | Mt Duneed 66.2. Urban area averaged 56. July normal is 41.9. |
Mt Duneed 251.7 mm. Urban area 257 mm. Normal Geelong cumulative total is 287.8 mm. |
Below average rain at West Barwon (76%). Above average from Anglesea to Bellarine Peninsula. BoM 3-month outlook for median rainfall now 40-50% for region. |
A U G |
Coldest overnight temp was 1.6 degrees on 6th. Warmest day was 19.9 on the 8th. Slightly cooler month but cold fronts brought little rain. | Av. max. was 14.9. August average max. is 15.1. | Mt Duneed 30.0. Urban area averaged 35. August normal is 47.3. |
Mt Duneed 281.7 mm. Urban area 292 mm. Normal Geelong cumulative total is 335.1 mm. |
Winter rainfall below average for 4th year in a row. Thunderstorm on 8th to northeast (day of Sunbury tornado). Geelong-Otways only 60-80% of normal: Bell Pen 90-100%. |
S E P |
Warmer minima: 8.1 °C cf. the 6.8° C normal. Lush growth followed. Rain fell on the first 12 days of the month. 20 rain days altogether. | Av. max. was 16.7. September average max. is 16.7. | Mt Duneed 66.5. Urban area averaged 65. September normal is 53.2. |
Mt Duneed 348.2mm. Urban area 357 mm. Normal Geelong cumulative total is 388.3 mm. |
GWS predicts above average spring RF. Most areas exceeded 120% of normal. Strong wind gusts (>100 kph) on 10th & 30th. Severe wind storm on 30th – damage caused. |
O C T |
Cooler than normal: cloudy skies responsible. Over 100 mm fell on 23rd to 26th. Minor flooding; roads closed. Flash flooding at Anakie on 19th. | Av. max. was 17.8. October average max. is 18.8. |
Mt Duneed 149.6. Urban area averaged 142. October normal is 58.0 |
Mt Duneed 497.8 Urban area 499 mm. Normal Geelong cumulative total is 451.7 mm. |
Wettest October since 1975, including wettest October day ever. Water catchments now over 65% full. Funnel clouds & thunder over Hamlyn Heights on 19th. No damage. |
N O V |
Very warm and humid month but low rainfalls. Very warm overnight minima (2.6 degrees above normal.) Above avge spring rain but Nov very low. | Av. min. was 12.6. November average min. is 10.2. | Mt Duneed 25.5. Urban area averaged 30. November normal is 51.9. |
Mt Duneed 523.3 Urban area 529 mm. Normal Geelong cumulative total is 503.6 mm. |
One thunder day, including severe t’storms at Lethbridge & Lorne on 10th. 2 struck by lightning. Tornadic funnel clouds at Point Wilson (6th) and Deans Marsh (10th). No damage |
D E C |
Very dry month; rained on only 7 days (average 10). 4 days over 30 deg, incl 38.4 on 17th. Cold outbreak including hail on 27th. | Av. max. was 23.5. December average max. is 23.7. | Mt Duneed 17.2. Urban area averaged 16 mm.. December normal is 44.9. |
Mt Duneed 540.5 Urban area 545mm. Normal Geelong cumulative total is 548.5 mm. |
One thunder day. Several days of very strong winds, including 82 kph at Leopold on 21st. Water storages 67% full. GWS predicts below average summer rainfall. |
Warmer year than normal: Average monthly temperature 0.19° higher than normal;
Hottest Day: 39.7°C on 2nd March;
Coldest Day: 8.7°C on 26th July;
Coldest Night: -0.4°C on 14th June;
Wettest Day: Over 78 mm at St Albans Park on 23rd Oct;
Wettest Month: October 142 mm;
Driest Month: March 6 mm;
No of Days above 30°C: 27 (Average 24.5);
Number of “Thunder Days” in Urban area: 11;
Number of severe storms: 3.
Copyright © Geelong Weather Services, 2002