Summary of 2000 Weather

( Figures are from the Bureau of Meteorology station at Mount Duneed )

Weather Conditions Temps
(deg C)
Cumulative Rainfall Comments
5 days over 30 degrees. Top temperature was 36 degrees on 14th. First half of month averaged 25.4, second half averaged 21.9. Av. max. was 24.0. January average max. is 25.7. Mt Duneed 24.2. Urban area averaged 33.0.
January normal is 34.3 mm.
Mt Duneed 24.2 mm. Urban area 33.0 mm.
Normal Geelong cumulative total is 34.3 mm.
4 thunder days. Tornado videoed at Paraparap on 9th – no damage, although power supply disrupted. Thunderstorms on 26th produced 32 mm at Teesdale, 9mm at Shelford.
12 days over 30 degrees. (Average 6 days). The second hottest February on record. Top temperature was 35.5 degrees on the 10th. Av. max. was 28.4.
February average max. is 25.1.
Mt Duneed 13.4.  Urban area averaged 20.0.  February normal is 37.6. Mt Duneed 37.6 mm. Urban area 53.0 mm. Normal Geelong cumulative total is 71.9 mm. 1 thunder day. Geelong missed thunderstorms in close surrounding areas (eg, Werribee, Avalon, Colac) on two occasions. Small whirlwind at Grovedale on 15th.
6 days over 30 degrees. (Average 4 days). Top temperature was 39.7 degrees on the 2nd. Rain fell on only 5 days. Av. max. was 25.0. March average max. is 23.7. Mt Duneed 5.6.
Urban area averaged 6.0 mm.
March normal is 34.6.
Mt Duneed 43.2 mm.
Urban area 59.0 mm.
Normal Geelong cumulative total is 116.2 mm.
No thunderstorms. Many cold fronts “fizzled out” with resultant low rainfall. The driest March for over 40 years. Sun dog photographed by Clyve Herbert.
Slightly (0.5°) warmer than normal month. Average daily max was 21.2 cf 20.3 deg. Rain above average except in Otway catchment. Av. max. was 20.8 April average max. is 20.3. Mt Duneed 36.8.
Urban area averaged 45.
April normal is 39.2.
Mt Duneed 80.0 mm.
Urban area 104 mm.
Normal Geelong cumulative total is 155.4 mm.
2 thunderstorms on 15th and 16th.  Little rain, but 8.5 mm at East Geelong in 5 mins. Very strong winds on 29th. Above average monthly rainfall totals across district.
Colder than normal: average daily max was 15.7 deg, cf 17.3.  Very cold final week including temps of 10.1 & 11.1 and winds over 80 kph. Av. max. was 16.5. May average max. is 17.3. Mt Duneed 68.2.
Urban area averaged 62..
May normal is 47.2.
Mt Duneed 148.2 mm.
Urban area 166 mm.
Normal Geelong cumulative total is 202.6 mm.
Thunderstorm and hail over Bellarine Pen. on 28th.  Heavy rains in final week brought monthly avs above normal. West Barwon got 142 mm and runoff is occurring.
Fractionally warmer; average daily minimum was 6.3 deg. cf
5.9. Lowest overnight minimum was –0.4 degrees on 14th. Max 17.1 on 25th.
Av. max. was 14.5. June average max. is 14.3. Mt Duneed 37.3.
Urban area averaged 35.
June normal is 43.3.
Mt Duneed 185.5 mm.
Urban area 201 mm.
Normal Geelong cumulative total is 245.9 mm.
Below average rain over most of the region. West Barwon only 10% capacity. SOI dropping quickly (-8). Cold outbreak on 28th brought hail, thunder & lightning near Avalon.
Coldest day 8.7 degrees on 26th. Warmest day 16.5 degrees on 6th.  Strong winds on 21st at Lovely Banks – 92 kph. Av. max. was 13.8 July average max. is 13.1. Mt Duneed 66.2.
Urban area averaged 56.
July normal is 41.9.
Mt Duneed 251.7 mm.
Urban area 257 mm.
Normal Geelong cumulative total is 287.8 mm.
Below average rain at West Barwon (76%). Above average from Anglesea to Bellarine Peninsula. BoM 3-month outlook for median rainfall now 40-50% for region.
Coldest overnight temp was 1.6 degrees on 6th.  Warmest day was 19.9 on the 8th. Slightly cooler month but cold fronts brought little rain. Av. max. was 14.9. August average max. is 15.1. Mt Duneed 30.0.
Urban area averaged 35.
August normal is 47.3.
Mt Duneed 281.7 mm.
Urban area 292 mm.
Normal Geelong cumulative total is 335.1 mm.
Winter rainfall below average for 4th year in a row. Thunderstorm on 8th to northeast (day of Sunbury tornado). Geelong-Otways only 60-80% of normal: Bell Pen 90-100%.
Warmer minima: 8.1 °C cf. the 6.8° C normal. Lush growth followed.  Rain fell on the first 12 days of the month. 20 rain days altogether. Av. max. was 16.7. September average max. is 16.7. Mt Duneed 66.5.
Urban area averaged 65.
September normal is 53.2.
Mt Duneed 348.2mm.
Urban area 357 mm.
Normal Geelong cumulative total is 388.3 mm.
GWS predicts above average spring RF. Most areas exceeded 120% of normal. Strong wind gusts (>100 kph) on 10th & 30th. Severe wind storm on 30th – damage caused.
Cooler than normal: cloudy skies responsible. Over 100 mm fell on 23rd to 26th.  Minor flooding; roads closed. Flash flooding at Anakie on 19th. Av. max. was 17.8.
October average max. is 18.8.
Mt Duneed 149.6.
Urban area averaged 142.
October normal is 58.0
Mt Duneed 497.8
Urban area 499 mm.
Normal Geelong cumulative total is 451.7 mm.
Wettest October since 1975, including wettest October day ever. Water catchments now over 65% full. Funnel clouds & thunder over Hamlyn Heights on 19th. No damage.
Very warm and humid month but low rainfalls. Very warm overnight minima (2.6 degrees above normal.) Above avge spring rain but Nov very low. Av. min. was 12.6. November average min. is 10.2. Mt Duneed 25.5.
Urban area averaged 30.
November normal is 51.9.
Mt Duneed 523.3
Urban area 529 mm.
Normal Geelong cumulative total is 503.6 mm.
One thunder day, including severe t’storms at Lethbridge & Lorne on 10th. 2 struck by lightning. Tornadic funnel clouds at Point Wilson (6th) and Deans Marsh (10th). No damage
Very dry month; rained on only 7 days (average 10). 4 days over 30 deg, incl 38.4 on 17th. Cold outbreak including hail on 27th. Av. max. was 23.5. December average max. is 23.7. Mt Duneed 17.2.
Urban area averaged 16 mm..
December normal is 44.9.
Mt Duneed 540.5
Urban area 545mm.
Normal Geelong cumulative total is 548.5 mm.
One thunder day. Several days of very strong winds, including 82 kph at Leopold on 21st. Water storages 67% full. GWS predicts below average summer rainfall.

Warmer year than normal: Average monthly temperature 0.19° higher than normal;
Hottest Day: 39.7°C on 2nd March;
Coldest Day: 8.7°C on 26th July;
Coldest Night: -0.4°C on 14th June;
Wettest Day: Over 78 mm at St Albans Park on 23rd Oct;
Wettest Month: October 142 mm;
Driest Month: March 6 mm;
No of Days above 30°C: 27 (Average 24.5);
Number of “Thunder Days” in Urban area: 11;
Number of severe storms: 3.

Copyright © Geelong Weather Services, 2002