Rainfall was well above average across most of the region, ranging from 120mm at Torquay to 63mm at the You Yangs. Geelong’s rain fell on 22 days, and the often cloudy and overcast conditions were partly responsible for keeping temperatures down.
A large proportion of the month’s rain fell on the first and the last days, when local gauges reported around 55mm. On the first a slow-moving low pressure cell’s cloud band had wrapped clockwise around from the southeast, bringing the welcomed moisture. On the last day an intense rain band associated with a cold front in the early hours had a similar effect. Apart from that, our usual spring pattern followed, with small, frequent falls associated with eastward-moving cold fronts and troughs.
The lowest overnight temperature was 1.8C on the 9th, but this was not a record as the record low for October was 1.1C set on 23 Oct, 1970. The coldest day occurred on the 28th when the mercury did not rise above 11.3C. Even this was above the all-time record low day figure of 10.8C set in 1984.
Overall, Geelong experienced only four days in the month when the temperature rose to 20C or better.
The water supply catchments are now over two-thirds full, with the Otways system still doing better than the Moorabool. With the Bureau’s latest outlook predicting a better than 55% chance of good rains over the next three months, maybe we can just avoid any more than stage one restrictions this summer.