Another colder than normal month characterised April. Geelong was around 0.6 degrees cooler than the current 30-year average and 0.7 cooler than the complete record from 1902. The main factors contributing to this result were that days were much colder than average and nights were fractionally higher.
Maximum was 29.6 degrees on the 1st and the lowest minimum was 4.3 C on the 13th and 30th. The 19th was the coldest day (15.0 C) and the night of the 14-15th had the warmest minimum (14.5 C). This cooler result for March and April was not predicted by the BoM for Geelong.
Below average rainfall was received across most of the Geelong region. Some Western District towns barely scored half the normal. Some Geelong suburbs (eg, Corio) recorded the average figure but the urban area average (34mm) and the Breakwater AWS (28.4 mm) were very disappointing. In the Otways Mt Sabine, at the head of Geelong’s West Barwon catchment received a whopping 233 mm – this figure is to be confirmed.
Water catchments remain on 59% of capacity.
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