RAINFALL The Geelong region’s rainfall in June ranged from 70% to 140% of normal. Urban Geelong received around 40 mm (average 42 mm) but the West Barwon dam recorded over 100% of normal.The new BoM Geelong Racecourse station only managed 32.8 mm for the month, but near the old site at Mt Duneed Airport the total was around 49 mm…
Category: Articles
May 2011
RAINFALL Most of the Geelong region had average to above average rain in May, despite the experts’ pessimistic outlooks. Apart from the northern suburbs and Moorabool catchment areas, most of the region south and east of the Barwon River has continued its run of average to wetter-than-average months, originating in August last year. Geelong Airport received 47.6 mm (av. 46.5),…
April 2011
RAINFALL Rainfall across most of the Geelong-Otways Region fell slightly below average for the first time in the last nine months (40 mm compared to 42 mm). The big exception to this was the Bellarine Peninsula around Drysdale-Clifton Springs. That area received over 70 mm for the month, exceeding the average by over 50%. This was mainly due to localised,…
March 2011
RAINFALL For the eighth month in a row, most of the Geelong region has recorded above average rainfall. Most of the southern suburbs as well as southern areas of the Region, such as the Otways, exceeded the average and the Airport registered 33.4 mm compared to the average 31.9 mm. North and northwest of the urban area however, as well…
February 2011
RAINFALL The Geelong Region, in common with much of eastern Australia, has just recorded the wettest spring-summer 6 months period since records began in 1871. Averaged across the urban area, rainfall totalled 521 mm, some 66 mm higher than the previous best (455 mm) in 1992-93. It was Geelong’s second wettest summer since records began: 260 mm was recorded, compared…
January 2011
RAINFALL High rainfall dominated the Geelong-Otways-Bellarine region in January. Most areas received at least double the normal January rainfall, and some areas got up to four times as much. Urban Geelong averaged 130 mm for the month compared to the average 33 mm. The rainfalls that caused flooding over much of northern Victoria in the second week of the month…
Summary of 2010 Weather
SUMMARY OF NOTEWORTHY POINTS*: Key Points – Warmer; well above average rainfall, catchments up to 74%. Warmer year than average, by 0.2 degree. Winter and spring cooler, autumn warmer. No new extreme records set. 6th wettest spring (266 mm) since 1876. Total annual rainfall of 656 mm is well above average, due to La…
December 2010
RAINFALL Below average rainfall in December did little to detract from the positive outcome of a much wetter winter-spring in 2010, and consequently, anabove average year overall. Although December rains across much of Geelong were average, the official BoM gauge at Geelong Airport found itself on theouter once again with a disappointing 30 mm, having missed out on a couple…
November 2010
RAINFALL Most of the Geelong-Otways-Bellarine region recorded well above average rain for November, the fourth consecutive month. Urban Geelong had an average of nearly 100 mm across the suburbs, (1992-2009 average 49 mm) on a par with November 2007 with 100 mm. Spring totals were well above the average 150 mm, (around 266 mm) with 2010 being our sixth wettest…
October 2010
RAINFALL Well above average rainfall across the entire region characterised Geelong’s October. Even the poor excuse for a rain gauge at Geelong Airport managed to record 88 mm, but most other places across the urban area reported well above 100 mm. The October average is 49.7 mm. It was our wettest October since 2000, when 142 mm fell. Urban Geelong…
September 2010
RAINFALL Once again most of the Geelong Region experienced above-average rain in September. Geelong Airport average for September is 49.5mm and most parts of the urban area had around 60mm, a very pleasing result. The wider region, including the Bellarine Peninsula, Surf Coast and the Otways all shared in above average falls. The wettest 24 hours in Geelong were recorded…
August 2010
RAINFALL Not even the most confirmed atheist has any reason not to give thanks for the region’s great rainfall last month. Heavy August rains have increased catchment totals to over 56% of capacity, having increased by 6% in the last week alone. This is better than at any time since 2005, and has triggered a flood warning on the upper…
July 2010
RAINFALL Geelong received only around half to two thirds of its normal July rain, according to figures compiled by Geelong Weather Services. Geelong Airport received only 23.6 mm, just below half of the average, although some other suburbs (eg, Leopold) exceeded 35 mm. Disappointing falls of the same proportions were received in the Otways and the catchments are still at…