Weather Conditions | Temps (deg C) |
Rainfall (mm) |
Cumulative Rainfall | Comments | |
J A N |
3 days over 30 degrees. Top temp 36 on 15th. Record low January maximum (15.6) on 7th. | Av. max. was 24.3. January average max. is 25.7. | Mt Duneed 27.6. Urban area averaged 32. January average is 44 mm. |
Mt Duneed 27.6 mm. Urban area 32 mm. Average Geelong cumulative total is 44 mm. |
5 thunder days. Severe storms at Leopold & Portarlington on 29th: Leopold had 25 mm in 1 hour, Portarlington had 41 mm. Flash flooding; minor damage. |
F E B |
9 days over 30 degrees, including 6 consecutive days on 1st to 6th. Top temperature was 37 on the 4th. Very high Relative Humidities. | Av. max. was 26.5. February average max. is 25.1. |
Mt Duneed 38.0. Urban area averaged 45. February average is 37.6. | Mt Duneed 65.6 mm. Urban area 77 mm. Average Geelong cumulative total is 81.6 mm. | 1 thunder day (12th). On this day 44 mm fell at Leopold, including 24 mm in 14 minutes. Some flash flooding and damage across urban area. |
M A R |
1 day over 30 degrees (Top 32 on 9th). Record low March max. (15.2) on 28th. Ex – TC Vance created strong wind and temp surge on 25th. | Av. max. was 22.4. March average max. is 22.5. | Mt Duneed 57.6. Urban area averaged 70. March average is 34.6. |
Mt Duneed 123.2 mm. Urban area 147 mm. Average Geelong cumulative total is 116.2 mm. |
Severe thunderstorms on 2nd: Corio 53 mm, urban average 35 mm in one hour (12.30 – 1.30 pm). Meso-cyclone seen over Corio, also funnel cloud over Ceres. |
A P R |
Dry and cool. Record low April minimums (1.4 & 1.7°C) on 23rd and 24th. Average min temp was 8.3, compared with 10.2 normally. | Av. max. was 18.8. April average max. is 20.2. | Mt Duneed 10.4 Urban area averaged 17. April average is 39.2. |
Mt Duneed 133.4 mm. Urban area 164 mm. Average Geelong cumulative total is 155.4 mm. |
Storms hit Norlane-Corio, Inverleigh and Teesdale on 5th. 30 mm fell at Corio. Rest of Geelong very dry. Forrest (West Barwon Dam) has only recorded 60% normal rain. |
M A Y |
Slightly warmer month. Good rains due to heavy falls on last two days. New record low May minimum (0.1° on 17th). | Av. max. was 17.9. May average max. is 17.0. | Mt Duneed 45.4 Urban area averaged 55. May average is 47.2. |
Mt Duneed 178.8 mm. Urban area 219 mm. Average Geelong cumulative total is 202.6 mm. |
Three thunder days reported. Below average rain continues at West Barwon Dam. |
J U N |
Warmer than normal. On four days the temperature dropped to 2° C or less, but no days below zero. Coldest day for the year: 9.4 degrees. | Av. max. was 14.8. June average max. is 14.6. | Mt Duneed 41.4 Urban area averaged 40. June average is 43.3. |
Mt Duneed 220.2 mm. Urban area 259 mm. Average Geelong cumulative total is 245.9 mm. |
Local rainfall varied from 22 mm at Lara to 46 mm at St Albans Park. 13 cloudy days instead of the average 16. |
J U L |
Warmer than normal. Low temperature of minus 2.3 recorded on 26th. (Lowest for five years). No new records created. | Av. max. was 15.0. July average max. is 13.1. | Mt Duneed 19.0 Urban area averaged 23. July average is 41.9. |
Mt Duneed 239.2. Urban area 282 mm. Average Geelong cumulative total is 287.8 mm. |
Very poor rainfalls totalling around half the July average, from the Otways to Geelong. Sun haloes and several fogs recorded. |
A U G |
Fractionally warmer than normal. 25° C recorded on 31st: (This is 10° above average.) | Av. max. was 15.46. August average max. is 14.4. | Mt Duneed 57.8 Urban area averaged 70. August average is 47.3. |
Mt Duneed 297.0 Urban area 352 mm. Average Geelong cumulative total is 335.1 mm. |
Winter rainfall just below normal but Otways well down. One thunder day on 26th – some heavy downpours. 85% of rain fell in 3 days; 13th, 25th and 26th. |
S E P |
One degree warmer than normal. Second warmest September night on record (16.6°C on 29th). | Av. max. was 17.9. September average max. is 15.4. | Mt Duneed 36.4. Urban area averaged 30. September average is 53.2. |
Mt Duneed 333.4 Urban area 382 mm. Average Geelong cumulative total is 388.3 mm. |
One thunder day: small hail at Corio & Leopold on 9th). Forrest rain only 48 mm (av. 128 mm). West Barwon reservoir about 10% capacity. |
O C T |
Slightly warmer than normal. Disappointing rainfall so far for spring. | Av. max. was 19.3. October average max. is 18.8. |
Mt Duneed 40.8. Urban area averaged 45. October average is 63.4. |
Mt Duneed 369.8 Urban area 427 mm. Average Geelong cumulative total is 451.7 mm. |
Four thunder days but little rain. Very dry conditions continue at West Barwon. (Rainfall 69% of normal). Model output suggests 55% chance of median rainfall in next 3 months. |
N O V |
Cooler and drier than normal. Several nights down to 4 and 5 degrees. One day over 30 degrees: warmest day 34 degrees on 30th. | Av. max. was 20.7. November average max. is 20.6. | Mt Duneed 32.4. Urban area averaged 32. November average is 51.9. |
Mt Duneed 402.2 Urban area 459 mm. Average Geelong cumulative total is 503.6 mm. |
Wetter than normal in Otways and Bellarine Peninsula but below average in Geelong and to the northwest. One th’storm on Bell. Pen. from Leopold to Q’cliff. (21st). |
D E C |
Four days over 30 degrees. Hottest day for the year (38°C) on 2nd. | Av. max. was 23.2. December average max. is 21.9. | Mt Duneed 56.4. Urban area averaged 65. December average is 44.9. |
Mt Duneed 458.6 Urban area 524 mm. Average Geelong cumulative total is 548.5 mm. |
Stage 2 water restrictions. Two thunder days. Heavy rain on 26th to 28th, including severe storms and flash flooding at Lara. 84 mm fell in 3 hours on the 27th at Lara. |
Warmer year than normal: Average temperature up by 0.7 degree above normal;
Hottest Day: 38°C on 2nd Dec;
Coldest Day: 9.4 degrees on 13th June;
Coldest Night: -2.3°C on 26th July;
Wettest Day: Over 100 mm at Lara on 27th Dec;
Wettest Month: March and August averaged 70 mm in the urban area (Lara 138 mm in December).
Driest Month: April, 10.4 mm.
No of Days above 30 deg: 18 (Average 24.5);
Number of “Thunder Days” in Urban area: 20;
New Records created: 4.
Copyright © Geelong Weather Services, 2002